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Location: Southlake, TX

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D., CTN, is a doctor of Natural Health and Naturopathy, in Southlake, Texas, with a practice in metabolic health, weight, and body balancing. She has been treating patients and teaching workshops on integrative medicine for over 18 years. Eileen has appeared on TV and radio talk shows coast-to-coast, lectured extensively, and has developed a breakthrough technology, colored bar-graph, computerized body analysis program. Her newly-released book, A HEALTHIER YOU, joins her best-selling, FAT CHANCE AT LAST! ---HOW TO GO BEYOND WILLPOWER, in offering lifestyle changes for better health results. As CEO of Hegan Center, Eileen has trained and certified medical doctors and chiropractors for almost a decade. Her innovative wellness techniques have been used to help thousands of individuals achieve weight loss and better fitness. Eileen's programs have also brought enhanced energy, weight balance, and longevity to professionals in corporate wellness programs. Eileen is an active member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, the American Holistic Health Association, and the Health Sciences Institute.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Colon Toxicity © Dr. Eileen Silva 2006

Do you know that a pot belly, one of the most common complaints that women have about their figures may have little to do with fat? A potbelly is a classic sign of colon toxicity. This might surprise you, but the average person carries around 7-25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their system. If you are overweight or allergic, you may be harboring a lot more than that!

You can suffer weight and health problems from the many body imbalances that your body can suffer because of the toxins contained in accumulated waste matter. Did you know that we can trace virtually all weight challenges to imbalances in the colon/digestive tract, that either directly or indirectly cause slowdowns in other bodily systems?

The walls of your intestine and colon can become lined with mucus derived from undigested and uneliminated food, along with toxins from medicines, preservatives, water, and even the air you breathe. These coatings can remain for your entire lifetime and can block proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination.

Your body can also contain germs and parasites that grow in the excellent breeding ground of your toxic colon lining. Are you aware that germs and parasites can contribute to restless sleeping, fatigue, poor assimilation and absorption of nutrients, food cravings (especially sugars and breads), as well as an inability to feel satisfied after a large meal? Imagine such minute creatures causing such problems!

If you have a toxic colon, it can contribute to a toxic circulatory system, and soon your body is simply not able to metabolize food and fat properly and provide energy for vitality in living. Soon, you could have chronic constipation or diarrhea and fatigue. Isn’t it amazing to realize that colon toxicity could be responsible for your being tired?

You should know that the true definition of “regular” bowel habits is a bowel movement after each meal. You can encourage this by eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber, drinking at least two quarts of water daily, and using a good colon cleanser as needed to become regular. Try this regimen for better health, energy, and a better figure.


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