When’s the Last Time You Went out to Recess? © Dr. Eileen Silva 2006
Forcing yourself to diligently face the 1-2-3-4’s, the sweaty gyms, the lonely hours of driving yourself to complete that exercise program may finally get you in shape, but could there be a more cheery way to get there? Could you accomplish your goals with the same pleasure and companionship that you enjoyed as a child at play? Here are a few ideas that might help you regain those happy feelings.
When taking your children to the playground, PLAY! Race them around the obstacle course, do chin-ups on the bars, push the merry-go-round, run races with the kids, ride bikes, and play ball with them. Your children will be thrilled with your attention and participation, and you will burn calories.
Try teaming up with a child or a friend for yoga classes, dance classes, or hiking. Join other parents and kids for team events, walking tours, or skating parties. Take part in three-legged races at picnics, swimming races, and bicycling tours with your kids.
Who says only the little leagues can play ball? Join an adult ball team or swim team, tennis team or bowling league. You don’t have to be a professional to enjoy a good game, and you can learn to play that game you have been watching for so long on the sidelines.
Allow yourself to play . . . and to enjoy playing. Why “work-out” when you can accomplish the same goals by going “out to play?” Changing your attitude towards your exercise time can also change your attitude towards your health. Remember running through the meadow with the soft grasses brushing against your legs and the butterflies and birds fluttering up before you? Remember the wind racing through hair as you bicycled down a hill? The hills are still there, and the wind still races. You can still enjoy those feelings, that euphoria of feeling good, playing hard, and enjoying the world of outdoors.
Escape some of those dreaded work-outs! Schedule yourself some play-outs! Play yourself healthy!
Hi Eileen,
I enjoyed your comments on how to get us exercising again especially as Baby Boomers. You might be interested in my recently developed, Australian University tested 16 Minute Boomerang GYM Exercise and Fitness Program. I have designed it for everybody but especially for the Baby Boomers (over 40's)My website is: www.boomeranggym.com and I am including my recently completed book: Emotional Freedom with it. This is the link to the introduction of the book:http://www.boomeranggym.com/emotional_freedom_book.htm
Hope to hear from you in due course
Friendly greetings from sunny sub tropical Brisbane, Australia
Johan Tonsbeek
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