Baby Boomers Blog

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Location: Southlake, TX

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D., CTN, is a doctor of Natural Health and Naturopathy, in Southlake, Texas, with a practice in metabolic health, weight, and body balancing. She has been treating patients and teaching workshops on integrative medicine for over 18 years. Eileen has appeared on TV and radio talk shows coast-to-coast, lectured extensively, and has developed a breakthrough technology, colored bar-graph, computerized body analysis program. Her newly-released book, A HEALTHIER YOU, joins her best-selling, FAT CHANCE AT LAST! ---HOW TO GO BEYOND WILLPOWER, in offering lifestyle changes for better health results. As CEO of Hegan Center, Eileen has trained and certified medical doctors and chiropractors for almost a decade. Her innovative wellness techniques have been used to help thousands of individuals achieve weight loss and better fitness. Eileen's programs have also brought enhanced energy, weight balance, and longevity to professionals in corporate wellness programs. Eileen is an active member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, the American Holistic Health Association, and the Health Sciences Institute.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Parasites and Bacteria © Dr. Eileen Silva 2006

Since everyone hearing the sound of my voice has probably taken an antibiotic at least a time or two – or if you’re like me, once or twice a year when I was growing up – there is a great likelihood that you’ve got the wrong flora balance in your system even as we speak.

Answering these questions might reveal clues as to whether or not you may have bacteria in your system:
Are you water retentive?
Do you find yourself with a Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde personality – or more to the point –
Does anyone else accuse you of that?
Do you get mental confusion?
Are you a vapor weight gainer gaining weight easily, losing weight very reluctantly?
Do you suffer from a lot of bloating?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a candida albicans imbalance, which also gives you an acidic pH. You can develop health problems like allergies, flu and colds, and even cancer. If you’d like a complete list of these symptoms, just email me ( and we’ll send it to you. Taking antibiotics can deplete your body of good bacteria and, even if you haven’t taken any yourself, chances are you eat non-organic meat and dairy products from a regular grocery store, so you are getting antibiotics second-hand through the good chain.

On another sobering thought, candida albicans isn’t the only parasite you need to worry about; there are up to 8,500 species of parasites that could live in the human body, based on temperature, pH, etc., and some of these, you’d definitely be better off without! A doctor friend of mine had a patient who, after 8 months of following an herbal cleansing protocol, expelled water and corn kernels, but she had eaten no corn. She decided to take a sample of the corn to the doctor, but upon returning to the bathroom with tweezers and a vial, to her horror, the corn kernels had turned into black writhing caterpillar-like worms with yellow fuzz on their backs. She was so stunned and alarmed that she was incapable of proceeding, so she did what any sensible American woman would likely do in a situation like that: she screamed for her husband. Doctors have found this kind of parasite in a particular type of digestive system cancer sites in autopsies. They had been encapsulated in a sack, which the herbal protocol took 8 months to erode.

Of course, you’d be dead without good bacteria and they are parasites too. But, you certainly need to remember that unwanted internal parasites can rob you of your good nutrition, cause restless nights with tossing and turning, and create food cravings, especially for kinds of sugars.

I want to make sure that you realize that having parasites is not related to how hygienic you are. It can, however have a lot to do with your darling family pet. You are undoubtedly getting millions of larvae with those friendly dog licks.

Be sure you drink safe water and check your pH. If your saliva is 7.0 first thing in the morning before you’ve had anything to eat or drink, then you’re probably in good shape. If not, then correcting your body’s pH is the simplest way to help balance your body systems.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Health and Wealth Editor's News Tip:

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The evolution of the Eileen Silva / Taylor Hegan team reads like a Danielle Steel novel. Find out how these megabucks stars met, climbed the ladder of success together, and now share the secrets of megabucks stardom with you.

Check out their newly updated site at for the latest books, articles, and financial opportunities.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Introducing . . . The Next Medical Miracle From The Amazon Rainforest

Every so often, a truly miraculous medical breakthrough happens. Even more incredible, is the discovery of so many medical benefits from the Amazon Rainforest.

After 23 years of clinical research, 50-plus known clinical benefits of a newly released medicine have been verified by researchers. The amazing part of this is that there are NO SIDE AFFECTS. There are no side affects because the extraction process leaves the molecules intact. (The allopathic, or pharmaceutical process, creates a synthetic version of the plant molecule and causes real side affects.)

Did you know that 2,700-plus pharmaceutical companies are already using elements extracted from plants in the rain forest?

I invite you to visit to find out more information, not only about this amazing new medicine, but also how you can benefit financially from this discovery.