Baby Boomers Blog

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Location: Southlake, TX

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D., CTN, is a doctor of Natural Health and Naturopathy, in Southlake, Texas, with a practice in metabolic health, weight, and body balancing. She has been treating patients and teaching workshops on integrative medicine for over 18 years. Eileen has appeared on TV and radio talk shows coast-to-coast, lectured extensively, and has developed a breakthrough technology, colored bar-graph, computerized body analysis program. Her newly-released book, A HEALTHIER YOU, joins her best-selling, FAT CHANCE AT LAST! ---HOW TO GO BEYOND WILLPOWER, in offering lifestyle changes for better health results. As CEO of Hegan Center, Eileen has trained and certified medical doctors and chiropractors for almost a decade. Her innovative wellness techniques have been used to help thousands of individuals achieve weight loss and better fitness. Eileen's programs have also brought enhanced energy, weight balance, and longevity to professionals in corporate wellness programs. Eileen is an active member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, the American Holistic Health Association, and the Health Sciences Institute.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Weight for the Holidays © Dr. Eileen Silva 2006

Christmas is a comin’ and the goose is not the only thing getting fat! Unfortunately, many people gain weight during the Christmas and New Year holiday season. With all the festive feasts, decorative sweets, and parties, not to mention the regular heavier cooking that we do in cold weather, you may find that you are among those people who gain weight during this time of the year. You may even have the remnants of last year’s festivities still hanging around your waist or tucked into your cheeks. If so, you are probably dreading this year’s contributions even more.

Now, I know there are many articles out there that warn you about holiday weight gain and give crisp, clear instructions about avoiding even the most tempting treats. But, unless you have steel-plated willpower, I also know that, while you may cut back a little on your amounts, that you probably aren’t willing to totally give up the party goodies and platefuls of your favorite holiday foods. Let’s face it – you need another approach to holiday weight control that you are willing to live with.

Why not prepare for this year’s holiday season by losing 10 or more pounds before the Christmas festivities begin? Now, before you panic - I’m not suggesting that you go on a starvation diet to accomplish that, but simply make some lifestyle and body chemistry changes that will rapidly result in weight loss, energy gain, and other physical improvements. Does that sound impossible? Let me assure you, based on results I have seen with my patients, not only is it totally possible, but it is relatively painless and amazingly simple.

I’m sure you realize that a healthy diet, proper exercise, and rest all contribute to your health and wellness, but if your body chemistry is out of balance, they may not contribute to your weight loss efforts. Thanks to a collaboration of anti-aging scientists and physicians, it is now possible for the masses to scientifically correct 5 major body chemistry issues in just 10 days, leading to the weight loss that I am recommending for your holiday relief. Here are your 5 body chemistry areas.

Blood sugar – Lower your blood sugar levels through careful attention to the glycemic index. Are you eating too many carbs? By watching your carbohydrate intake, you can lower your blood sugar levels, which will increase your energy, stabilize any mood swings, and trigger your body to release fat. As an added bonus, you will control or avoid type 2 diabetes with proper blood sugar control.

Body toxicity – Did you know that addressing colon and liver toxicity issues will make a huge difference in your health? Did you know that an average person carries around 7-25 pounds of fecal matter internally? If you lower your body toxicity levels, you can reduce gas, bloating, bad breath, and body odor. You will also non-surgically flatten your tummy, while correcting constipation and/or diarrhea issues.

Control of parasites, candida albicans, and intestinal funguses – Another vital issue you need to address in taking control of your health and weight is the control of parasites, candida albicans, and intestinal funguses. If you have any of these problems, you may suffer from water retention, sugar cravings, mood swings, poor sleep, and allergies. If you have ever taken antibiotics, then chances are you have an intestinal flora or candida albicans issue. Even if you don’t take antibiotics, you can ingest antibiotics through meat and dairy products.

Chemistry issue of acid/alkalinity – You will want to check the acid/alkalinity of your body’s pH. If you are too acid, then you will be a “vapor weight gainer,” putting on weight rapidly for no apparent reason. You will also be tired and allergy and illness prone, and it has been proven that people who are too acidic are the ones who get cancer. Being alkaline helps you have more natural vitality and will help you maintain good weight management effortlessly.You will want to check the acid/alkalinity of your body’s pH. If you are too acidic, then you will be a “vapor weight gainer,” putting on weight rapidly for no apparent reason. You will also be tired and allergy and illness prone, and it has been proven that people who are too acidic are the ones who get cancer. Being alkaline helps you have more natural vitality and will help you maintain good weight management effortlessly.

Turn up the burn on fat – You can do this while enhancing metabolism by natural means and while controlling appetite.while enhancing metabolism by natural means and while controlling appetite.while enhancing metabolism by natural means and while controlling appetite.while enhancing metabolism by natural means and controlling appetite. One way to enhance metabolism is to eat regularly scheduled meals every day. Skipping meals slows down metabolism as the body goes into storage mode, thinking it is not going to receive food so it begins to conserve.

Of course, you will want to remember to practice proper deep breathing so that your cells have enough oxygen to function efficiently and to the best of their abilities. I also want to remind you that all your body systems, from the smallest cell to the largest organ (the skin), cannot function properly without proper amounts of water. Your personal water formula is 2 quarts of water (plus another 8 oz for every 25 pounds you need to lose) per day.

If you will make the simple lifestyle changes that can affect these body chemistry balances in your body, I can assure you that you will not only reach your goal before the holidays begin, but you will find them amazingly helpful during and after the season has passed as well. Remember, these are lifestyle changes that I am suggesting. They are yours for keeps. May you enjoy a slimmer and happier holiday season and many more to come.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Free Thank You Gift Certificate

As a holiday thank you to all of you, Dr. Silva is offering a free thank you gift and a free gift certificate for $10-$20 off phone orders from today until January 1st, 2007. To receive your gifts simply call Dr. Silva’s office at 817-424-5204.

The Truth about PMS © Dr. Eileen Silva 2006

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Headaches, depressions, anxiety, uncontrollable crying spells, fatigue, fluid retention, abdominal cramping, heart palpitations, weight gain, irritability, panic attacks, forgetfulness, migraines, backaches, decreased work or social performance, sleep problems, food cravings, breast tenderness, clumsiness, confusion . . . Sounds like a nightmare existence, doesn’t it?

Are you one of the 40-80% of women for whom this scenario, or at least a portion of it, is everyday life for one to two weeks out of every month of their lives from puberty to menopause? What disorder could possibly result in these varied, and often dehabilitating, symptoms for so many women?

Premenstrual Syndrome! That’s right! It’s that old friend, PMS, the subject of so many jokes and putdowns. You know – that “catch-all” phrase that, according to “so-called comedians,” covers all the “imaginary” problems that women “invent” as excuses to spend the day on the couch “watching TV and eating bonbons.”

Let me assure you that, while it is true that doctors and researchers have not found a specific lab test that can identify PMS, this disorder is definitely neither “imaginary” nor is it “invented.” Serious medical research has been going on for years to identify the definitions, diagnosis, causes, and cures for this disorder. Here are two of the resulting definitions:

1. Dr. Ellen Freeman of University of Pennsylvania Health System describes PMS as, “a cluster of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that have a cyclic pattern related to the menstrual cycle, becoming severe in the week or two preceding menses and abating with menstruation.”

2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defines PMS as “the cyclic occurrence of symptoms that are sufficiently sever to interfere with some aspects of life, and that appear with consistent and predictable relationship to the menses.”

How do you know if you or a loved one has PMS, if there is no real test for it? Across the board, researchers and doctors agree that the identifying factor overall in this disorder is the fact that the symptoms stop once the menses begin or once a woman becomes pregnant.

You should know that doctors have identified two serious forms of PMS that have effects far beyond those of normal PMS symptoms:

1. “Postpartum Depression” is a severe depression that some women experience after giving birth. Women with this disorder suffer a severe let-down from the high pregnancy-levels of hormones, and, because of the disruption to their nervous systems, they may actually harm themselves or their babies.

2. “Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder” (PMDD) brings about serious and disabling depression, anxiety, tension, and angry irritability, intense mood changes in the week or two before the onset of menses, and women suffering from this disorder exhibit at least five of PMS’s physical symptoms as well. Like regular PMS, PMDD symptoms disappear with menses.

You may have heard that doctors find it helpful for women to keep a daily diary of symptoms throughout the month when they are attempting to diagnose PMS. What should you look for when keeping a daily diary or considering the possibility that you or a loved one has PMS? Well, PMS carries over 150 possible symptoms that affect women in both the physical and the emotional realms in varying degrees.

Physically, symptoms can range from light, as in headache, fatigue, and slight abdominal swelling, to severe, as in migraines, severe cramping, and an inability to function normally. Emotionally, you may experience symptoms relating to anxiety (irritability, irrational crying, or emotional swings), depression (withdrawn, fearful, or altered libido), cravings (for sweets, dairy, or alcohol), and fluid retention (headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, and weight gain).

I can tell you that although doctors still have not determined the exact cause of PMS, they agree that hormones and neuro-chemical changes within the brain are prime suspects. Estrogen hormones, for example, can contribute to increased brain activity, retention of salt, and drops in blood sugar, because it has a central neurological effect on the brain.

What do you do if you realize that you or a loved one suffers from some level of PMS? Obviously, if the symptoms are severe, you should seek your doctor’s advice. Doctors today may prescribe either psychiatric (psychotropic drugs, tricyclics, tranquilizers, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), medical treatments (anti-estrogenic hormonal medications), or a combination of both for severe cases.

However, if you believe that your symptoms are manageable, or if they are intermittent, here are a few tips that might help you alleviate some symptoms.

Eat six, small, high in complex carbohydrates, low in simple sugars meals at three-hour intervals to help keep energy levels and blood glucose levels steady. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods eaten in their natural states like oatmeal, cornmeal, barley, and wheat germ, or in foods like pastas, brown rice, root vegetables like potatoes, whole grain breads and cereals, etc.

Reduce caffeine, alcohol, salt, fats, and simple sugars to help diminish fatigue, tension, depression and water retention bloating.

Add calcium, controlled levels of B6, B complex, magnesium, and Vitamin E to help maintain normal moods and reduce fluid retention, cramps, and back pain.

Exercise three times a week for at least 20-30 minutes to improve mood, blood circulation, sense of well-being, and alleviate the build-up of tension and stress.

Learn to relax with deep breathing exercises, music, quiet time alone, or yoga, to decrease symptoms and help with coping. In addition, spend time with an understanding friend, get a solid 8 hours of sleep regularly, and keep track of the menstrual cycle on the calendar to prepare for the onslaught of symptoms to help yourself cope.

Adjust your schedule around the menstrual cycle to avoid heavy decisions, stressful appointments or events, or even arguments during PMS to help both your PMS time and your relationships.

Investigate the use of herbs. Much research is going on in the field of herbal remedies for PMS. Evening primrose oil, chaste tree berry, dong qui and other herbs may have an effect on PMS symptoms according to personal testimonies of women who have tried them.

For best results, I recommend a combination of all of these areas. A lifestyle including a balanced diet, proper amounts of necessary vitamins and minerals, plenty of healthy exercise, proper rest and relaxation, good mental attitudes, and appropriate herbs gives you the best defense against PMS symptoms. However, if all else fails, by all means, throw in a couple of bonbons. Women for centuries have insisted that chocolate is a miraculous cure-all!